introduction to leadership
An Introduction to Leadership is a one day leadership training workshop which enables leaders to:
- gain insights into their personal leadership style
- make the connection between personal behaviours and organisational culture
- work out how their behaviours are driving and shaping their organisation’s culture
- discover why organisational culture is so important and how it affects performance
- outline the next steps for a successful leadership development programme
The results are guaranteed to be insightful, thought provoking and challenging. A powerful set of self-development resources is provided for each delegate to support ongoing learning, reflection and self-improvement.
how leaders shape culture
Effective leaders create high performance organisations – instilling their teams with passion and a strong sense of direction. They possess a strong sense of self-awareness and align their teams with the organisation’s vision. They understand that leadership is more than simply managing a process.
how culture affects performance
Organisational culture has a powerful effect on performance – enabling or frustrating an organisation from achieving its goals. Culture is often described as the way we do things around here. It comprises the attitudes, assumptions and values which condition the way individuals and the organisation work – the behavioural norms. Leaders set the tone for an organisation’s culture, modelling behaviours and deciding which get rewarded.
about the diagnostics
We use Human Synergistics diagnostics during the course of this leadership training workshop. These are based on the Circumplex model which describes 12 styles of thinking, behaving and interacting, which are in turn clustered into three general orientations:
- constructive
- passive/defensive
- aggressive/defensive
The Life Styles Inventory helps individuals understand which behaviours are supporting and which are detracting from effective performance.
The Organisational Culture Inventory measures and describes the culture of an organisation in a quantitative, easy to understand way.